Explore the features of each of our 3 modules
Document Management
InfoPoint uses the internet to enable documents to be uploaded and downloaded to two remote, world-class data centres located in Australia. This includes all the documents that you create or receive including email. The documents can be downloaded or uploaded anywhere at any time.
Project Document Library
Take full control over your how your documents are managed. Custom metadata rules ensure consistent quality of project documentation.

Tracking History
Know who has accessed documents and transmittals with full tracking history.
Email Capture
Keep a safe and secure backup of project communications with email capture. Alternatively, give organisational transparency when new members join the project.

Also included:
✓ Central Repositories
✓ Accessible to your team
✓ Tracks Revisions
✓ Search by
✓ Document Transmittals
Project Administration
Contract notices are recorded in registers that are easily accessed through the Document Management Module and linked to the relevant records in the Cost Management Module. This reduces time spent switching between databases and confusion that often arises when different databases are not synchronized.
Customisable Data Registers
Capture and track project information in registers that integrate with document and cost management.

Templates with autotexts
Develop custom templates for your businesses communication, and automatically populate them with information sources in your project.
Cost Management
Leverage InfoPoint’s Committed Cost System to capture budget, budget revisions, commitments, forecast commitments and expenditure. This integrates with the Document Management, which means that all cost information including claims, schedules and certificates are all easily available and linked to the corresponding cost records.
Committed Cost System
Manage budgets, commitments, variations, forecasts, and payments in an integrated committed cost system.

Also included:
✓ Cost Reporting
✓ Snapshots
✓ Cashflow
✓ Budget Tracking
✓ Manage Commitments
✓ Variations and Forecasts
✓ Generate Payment Certificates
✓ Map Client Accounting Cost Codes
✓ Export Cost Reports